The Emperor


Within Us
Honesty and Integrity
The Butterfly Dance
Beginning Today
Moving The Rock
A Comfortable Silence
At The Window
The Wealthiest Man
Three Trees
Stress Therapy
Let Go
Driving Away The Shadows
I Know Who I Am
The Necklace
To Realize
Standing Still
The Balance Sheet of Life
A Life That Matters
The Good Bye Kiss
The Story of Your Life
Eternal Instants
Slow dance
The Piano Lesson
Your Fence
The Bicycle Ride
The Atheist's Holiday
How Do YOU Walk?
Exercise Your Soul
Make him take his bags
I Am Thankful
The Art of Letting Go
My Quilt
A Penny Blessing
Buzzards, Bats, and Bumblebees
Are You Empty Yet?
Living By Faith
The Living Water
Installing Love
If Only
God Said....................
God Will Provide
The Pillar of Love
Alone I Am Nothing
The Greatest Love Song
We Danced
The Thorn Bouquet
Let It Go!
Have Courage
The Sandpiper
A Survival Kit
And Think Of Me
Don't be afraid to speak out
The Guiding Light
What are you building?
An Old Shoebox
What Friends Do
Mr. Belser
Time - Your Greatest Gift
Peace Garden
Roots of Change
Morning Prayer
Don't Open Your Mouth
Blue Ribbons
My Heart
Never Give Up On Love
Shining Light
Do You?
Weather Changes
Just For Today
Somebody Said
I Hope by Paul Harvey
Push On
Refining Silver
My Cup
The Cleaning Lady
Loving God's Way
Overcoming A Broken Heart
Carrots, Eggs, and Coffee Beans
What's Left?
The Rented Room
When I Am Lonely
Serving Where God Places Us
Running Through The Rain
Clay Balls
God Is
The Smell of Rain
The Oak Tree
Learning From Fear
The Heart of the Soul
The Emperor
Touching Billy
Dusty Shoes
Between You and God
A Brick
The Shadow of Your Cross
Angels Among Us
The Wolves Within
When Jesus Looks
The Father
The Empty Chair
God Gave.................
Christmas Roses
God Knows
A Mother's Tear
A Walk To School

An emperor in the Far East was growing old and knew it was time to 
choose His successor.  Instead of choosing one of his assistants or 
his children, he decided something different.
He called young people in the kingdom together one day.   He 
said, "It is time for me to step down and choose the next
emperor.  I have decided to choose one of you."
The kids were shocked! But the emperor continued.  "I am going
to give each one of you a seed today, one very special seed.  I want you 
to plant the seed, water it and come back here one year from today 
with what you have grown from this one seed.  I will then judge the 
plants that you bring, and the one I choose will be the next
One boy named Ling was there that day and he, like the others, 
received a seed.  He went home and excitedly told his mother the 
story.  She helped him get a pot and planting soil, and he planted 
the seed and watered it carefully.
Every day he would water it and watch to see if it had grown. After 
about 3 weeks, some of the other youths began to talk about their 
seeds and the plants that were beginning to grow.  Ling kept checking 
his seed, but nothing ever grew.  3 weeks, 4 weeks, 5 weeks went by.  
Still nothing.
By now, others were talking about their plants but Ling didn't have a 
plant, and he felt like a failure.  6 months went by; still nothing 
in Ling's pot.  He just knew he had killed his seed.  Everyone else 
had trees and tall plants, but he had nothing.
Ling didn't say anything to his friends, however.  He just kept 
waiting for his seed to grow.  A year finally went by and all the 
youths of the kingdom brought their plants to the emperor for 
Ling told his mother that he wasn't going to take an empty pot but 
his Mother said he must be honest about what happened.  Ling felt 
sick to his stomach, but he knew his Mother was right.
He took his empty pot to the palace.  When Ling arrived, he was 
amazed at the variety of plants grown by the other youths.  They were 
beautiful-in all shapes and sizes.  Ling put his empty pot on the 
floor and many of the other kinds laughed at him.  A few felt sorry 
for him and just said, "Hey nice try."
When the emperor arrived, he surveyed the room and greeted the young 
people.  Ling just tried to hide in the back.  "My, what great 
plants, trees and flowers you have grown," said the emperor. 
"Today, one of you will be appointed the next emperor!"
All of a sudden, the emperor spotted Ling at the back of the room 
with his empty pot.  He ordered his guards to bring him to the 
front.  Ling was terrified.  "The emperor knows I'm a failure!
Maybe he will have me killed!"
When Ling got to the front, the Emperor asked his name.  "My
name is Ling," he replied.  All the kids were laughing and making fun of 
him.  The emperor asked everyone to quiet down.
He looked at Ling, and then announced to the crowd, "Behold your
new emperor!  His name is Ling!"  Ling couldn't believe it.  Ling 
couldn't even grow his seed.  How could he be the new emperor?
Then the emperor said, "One year ago today, I gave everyone here
a seed.  I told you to take the seed, plant it, water it, and bring it 
back to me today.  But I gave you all boiled seeds, which would not 
grow.  All of you, except Ling, have brought me trees and plants and 
flowers.  When you found that the seed would not grow, you 
substituted another seed for the one I gave you.
Ling was the only one with the courage and honesty to bring me a pot 
with my seed in it.  Therefore, he is the one who will be the new 
If you plant honesty, you will reap trust.
If you plant goodness, you will reap friends.
If you plant humility, you will reap greatness.
If you plant perseverance, you will reap victory.
If you plant consideration, you will reap harmony.
If you plant hard work, you will reap success.
If you plant forgiveness, you will reap reconciliation.
If you plant openness, you will reap intimacy.
If you plant patience, you will reap improvements.
If you plant faith, you will reap miracles.
If you plant dishonesty, you will reap distrust.
If you plant selfishness, you will reap loneliness.
If you plant pride, you will reap destruction.
If you plant envy, you will reap trouble.
If you plant laziness, you will reap stagnation.
If you plant bitterness, you will reap isolation.
If you plant greed, you will reap loss.
If you plant gossip, you will reap enemies.
If you plant worries, you will reap wrinkles.
If you plant sin, you will reap guilt.
So be careful what you plant now, it will determine what you will 
reap tomorrow.
The seeds you now scatter will make life worse or better your life or 
the ones who will come after. Yes, someday, you will enjoy the 
fruits, or you will pay for the choices you plant today.
~ Author Unknown ~