Verbal/Emotional Abuse Directed Toward Children
Excellent Sites with Info on Emotional Abuse
The Dynamics of Abuse
What IS Verbal /Emotional Abuse?
Are YOU Being Emotionally/Verbally Abused?
He uses HIS Guilt against YOU
Hurtful Words
Ask Yourself these questions
How To Spot A Verbal Abuser On The First Date
The Abuser's Body Language
Some Men Don't Realize That They Are Verbal Abusers
Women Can Be Verbal Abusers As Well
Frequently Asked Questions About Verbal Abuse
A Biblical Perspective on Verbal Abuse
Abusive Personalities on TV
Forging Self Confidence
A Positive Attitude
Cultivating Self Esteem
Strengthen Your Self Confidence
Jan Sporri's Tips to Bolster Your Self Esteem
Work On Being Attractive
Help Yourself
Seeking Guidance
Talking To Your Critical Voices
Stress Relief
Take Comfort With You
You Are No Different
When you ridicule ME
Choose Your Words Well
Your Tongue
Verbal/Emotional Abuse Directed Toward Children
Exercise Special Care With Your Children
Defeat Of The Tongue

 Name-calling hurts -- especially when the person doing it is a parent, a teacher, or a coach. Hollering and flashing your temper might strike you as a natural and effective form of discipline if you were brought up with it. But for children it may cause emotional trauma that results in long-lasting harm. Among other things, verbal abuse can undermine your child's self-esteem, damage his ability to trust and form relationships, and chip away at his academic and social skills. In fact, current research shows that verbal abuse of children can be just as destructive emotionally as physical and sexual abuse and puts them in as much risk for depression and anxiety.
But it is not only verbal abuse that destroys children.  Emotion abuse  causes them many problems............some of which they never overcome. The Categories of Emotional Abuse that is often directed against children are Listed below:


Putting down a child or youth's worth or putting down their needs. Methodology of this:

    constant criticism
    telling child he/she is ugly
    yelling or swearing at the child
    frequent belittling-use of labels such as "stupid", "idiot"
   constant demeaning jokes
   verbal humiliation
   constant teasing about child's body type and/or weight
   expressing regret the child wasn't born the opposite sex
    refusing hugs and loving gestures
    physical abandonment
    excluding child from family activities
    treating an adolescent like she/he is a child
    expelling child from family
    not allowing youth to make own reasonable choices



Keeping a child away from family and friends.

      leaving child in room unattended for long periods
     keeping child away from family
     not allowing child to have friends
     not permitting child interaction with other children
    keeping child away from other caregiver if separated
    rewarding child for withdrawing from social contact
     ensuring child looks and acts differently than peers
     isolating child in closet
    insisting on excessive studying and/or chores
    preventing youth participating in activities outside the home
    punishing youth for engaging in normal social experiences


Failing to give any response to or interact with a child or youth at all.

      no response to infant's spontaneous social behaviours
      not accepting the child as an offspring
      denying required health care
     denying required dental care
      failure to engage child in day to day activities
     failure to protect child
     not paying attention to significant events in child's life
     lack of attention to schooling, etc.
     refusing to discuss youth's activities and interests
     planning activities/vacations without adolescent


Encouraging a child or youth to do things that are illegal or harmful to themselves.

     rewarding child for bullying and harassing behaviour
     teaching racism and ethnic biases
     encouraging violence in sporting activities
     inappropriate reinforcement of sexual activity
     rewarding child for lying and stealing
     rewarding child for substance abuse and sexual activity
     supplying child with drugs, alcohol and other illegal substances
     promoting illegal activities such as selling drugs
    teaching and promoting prostitution




Giving a child or youth responsibilities that are far greater than a child/youth that age can handle. It is also using a child for profit.

     infants expected not to cry
     anger when infant fails to meet a developmental stage
     child expected to be 'caregiver' to the parent
     young child expected to take care of younger siblings
     blaming child or youth for misbehaviour of siblings
     unreasonable responsibilities for jobs around the house
     expecting youth to support family financially
     encouraging participation in pornography
     sexually abusing child or youth
      requiring child or youth to participate in sexual exploitation




Causing a child or youth to be terrified by the constant use of threats and/or intimidating behaviour. This includes witnessing, which is when a child or youth observes violence, hears violence, or knows that violence is taking place in the home.

     with infants and children, excessive teasing
     yelling and scaring
     unpredictable and extreme responses to child's behaviour
    extreme verbal threats
     raging, alternating with periods of artificial warmth
     threatening abandonment
     beating family members in front of or in ear range of child
     threatening to destroy a favourite object
     threatening to harm a beloved pet
      forcing child to watch inhumane acts against animals
     inconsistent demands on the child
     displaying inconsistent emotions
      changing the 'rules of the game'
      threatening that the child is adopted and doesn't belong
      ridiculing youth in public
     threats to reveal intensely embarrassing traits to peers
    threatening to kick adolescent out of the house



The Longterm Effects on Children Living with Verbal/Emotional Abuse'



Physical Effects

»  speech problems
»  lags in physical development
»  failure to thrive (especially in infants)
»  facial tics
»  eating disorders
»  substance abuse (

Behavioural Effects

 low self-worth
 overly reactive
 sleep disorders
 inability to trust others
 inappropriate behaviour for age
 profound sadness
 habit disorders - sucking, biting, rocking
engaging in risky behaviours
attempts at or completed suicide

Emotional Effects

 inability to control emotions
questioning of religious beliefs

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